
Exercise provides several benefits for physical and mental health. Staying active also promotes eye health and helps prevent ocular problems. Use the following guide to keep your vision strong through your workouts.

Why You Should Include Exercise in Eye Care

Cataracts are protein buildups that result in cloudy vision. Aside from their genetic and medical causes, they may form because of inflammation and oxidation in the body. Exercise increases the levels of high-density lipoproteins, or “good cholesterol,” in the body, reducing these symptoms.

Cardiovascular exercise boosts circulation, helping prevent pressure-related ocular problems. For example, wet age-related macular degeneration happens when new blood vessels formed beneath the retinal center leak fluids, causing blurred and distorted vision. Glaucoma, which results in gradual vision loss, occurs when the nerves connecting the eyes to the brain become damaged, often due to intraocular pressure. Physical activity gets the heart pumping, lowering eye pressure, improving blood flow, protecting retinal cells, and thus minimizing the risk of both conditions.

ocular problemsIf you have diabetes, working out also helps you maintain a healthy weight. Staying within the recommended body mass index (BMI) lowers the risk of complications, including optic nerve damage and blindness.

Workout Tips for Better Eye Health

Walking or running for 20 minutes two to three times per week may decrease the risk of glaucoma and age-related cataracts. If you have arthritis or other joint conditions, the Glaucoma Research Foundation recommends low-impact alternatives, such as jogging or bike riding.

Participating in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, such as swimming laps or aerobic dancing, at least three times a week may prevent wet age-related macular degeneration. For the best results, pair workouts with a balanced diet rich in foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C.


Annual eye exams also protect your eyesight. For friendly care, turn to Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY. Their doctors are members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and strive to create a welcoming environment for patients. They offer a range of treatments for ocular problems, including cataract surgery. Call (606) 324-2451 to book an appointment, and visit their website to learn more about eye care.
