
Your vision helps you complete all of your daily activities, but as you age, your risk factors for conditions like macular degeneration increase. This eye condition is the leading cause of vision loss. While there is no cure, steps can be taken to slow its progression. For this reason, it’s particularly important to go for comprehensive eye exams regularly. The eye doctors at Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY, reveal more need-to-know information about the disorder here.

Eye Doctors’ Guide to Macular Degeneration

What Is Macular Degeneration?

Also referred to as age-related macular degeneration, AMD, or ARMD, the condition occurs when the macula begins to deteriorate. The macula, which is responsible for eye functionality, is a small area of the retina. It transmits images to the brain and controls the ability to read. As the macula breaks down, vision becomes increasingly damaged. It may become difficult to see colors and recognize faces.

Macular degeneration can either be wet or dry. In the dry version, the aging tissue may cause gradual vision loss. This early stage of the disease is also characterized by yellow spots that form around the macula. Wet macular degeneration is more serious and occurs in about 10% of dry macular degeneration cases. In this phase, new blood vessels form and leak fluid, creating blind spots in the field of vision.

What Are Its Symptoms?

eye doctorReduced vision is one of the primary symptoms of macular degeneration. Distorted or dull-looking objects, blank spots in the vision field, and muted colors are all possible signs of the disease. With that said, the disease may not produce noticeable effects in its earliest stages, aside from the yellow deposits which can be recognized by trained and experienced eye doctors.

How Is It Treated?

Eye care specialists may advise certain lifestyle changes to slow the progression of macular degeneration. Certain behaviors, such as smoking, can accelerate the disease and should be avoided. Additionally, dietary changes, exercise, and avoidance of ultraviolet light may help minimize vision loss. Certain drugs may also be prescribed for patients with wet macular degeneration to discourage abnormal blood vessel formation.

As with any health condition, macular degeneration and other vision problems are treated and controlled most effectively in their earliest stages. If you’re due for an eye exam, make an appointment with Tri-State Ophthalmology. These caring eye doctors have decades of experience and offer comprehensive eye care using state-of-the-art practices and technology. Schedule your exam by calling (606) 324-2451, or visit the vision center online to learn more.
