
Packed with antioxidants and other nutrients, tea—and in particular, the green varieties—can do a lot to protect teeth and gums from oral bacteria. But while this popular beverage can benefit oral health, those with sensitive teeth may not be able to enjoy it as much as others. For some, the extreme heat of freshly made tea can cause temporary, yet sharp, pain in affected teeth. Fortunately, if you experience this problem, there are steps you can take to enjoy a hot cup and still avoid irritation. In honor of Hot Tea Month this January, here are a few important details to know about your tooth sensitivity—and how a dentist can help.  

Why Does Hot Tea Trigger Tooth Sensitivity?

When enamel wears down over time, the sensitive portion inside the tooth—known as dentin—becomes exposed to everything you put in your mouth. Hot and cold temperatures, wind, and sugar will irritate the nerves and cause an unpleasant twinge in the affected area.

Many cases of tooth sensitivity are caused by gradual enamel erosion over time. However, some individuals may develop the problem if they have a cavity, lost a filling, have gingivitis, brush their teeth too abrasively, or grind their teeth at night.  

How Can Your Dentist Help?

dentistAlthough tooth sensitivity often presents no long-term risks, it’s a good idea to talk about the problem with a trusted dentist. Through an in-depth oral exam, your provider can determine the exact cause behind the symptoms. If the issue is related to physical damage or infection, treatments can be provided to treat the underlying problem, and in turn, relieve the sensitivity.

Your dentist may also recommend a desensitizing toothpaste product designed to inhibit nerve activity and reduce pain signals to the brain. Brushing with this toothpaste regularly will help you increase your pain tolerance levels so that you can comfortably enjoy problematic foods and drinks—including tea.


If you want to comfortably enjoy tea—or any other hot beverage—Gladstein Dental Center has the resources to help you sip without sensitivity. Serving Hartford County for nearly three decades, Dr. Eric Gladstein understands how to pinpoint dental sensitivity and the cause behind it. Whether you need a recommendation for desensitizing toothpaste or need fillings to strengthen a few cavities, this New Britain, CT, dentist will make your treatment as simple and comfortable as possible. To learn more the services Dr. Gladstein offers, visit his clinic online. For appointments, call a friendly team member at (860) 223-1162.
