
Your tooth enamel is the only barrier standing between harmful bacteria and the sensitive dentin beneath. A number of substances wear it down—both quickly and over time—so it’s essential to maintain proper oral hygiene and avoid dangerous food and drinks. Here, the dentist at Gladstein Dental Center in New Britain, CT, shares several tips to prevent enamel damage and erosion. 

How to Avoid Enamel Damage

1. Reduce Acids & Sugars

Acid is the primary cause of enamel erosion, and bacteria create it from sugar. Soda, candies, and citrus fruits all contain unhealthy amounts of acids and sugars; regulate the amount you consume. If possible, keep them to a minimum, and brush, rinse, or chew gum after eating or drinking them. This reduces the number of particles left in the mouth.

2. Add Some Dairy

dentistCalcium and phosphate are beneficial for enamel and help strengthen and remineralize it. Add a healthy amount of dairy products like milk, cheeses, and yogurt to your diet. Cheeses also generate saliva, which naturally washes the mouth. However, watch your intake since too much dairy leads to weight gain.

3. Brush & Floss

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to keep the enamel healthy and strong. They remove harmful erosive bacteria and prevent them from growing further. Brush and floss at least twice a day and use dentist-approved products with ingredients that promote enamel health.

With a few lifestyle changes, you’ll significantly improve dental enamel. For more tips on oral hygiene, contact the dentist at Gladstein Dental Center. This practice offers comprehensive family and cosmetic dentistry services, as well as TMJ treatment. They will help you maintain a healthy smile for years to come. Call (860) 223-1162 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website and Facebook page to learn more about this dental practice.
