
Every day, your skin is exposed to harmful elements, like dirt and UV rays, which will diminish your appearance. Facials counter these effects through several steps of care, including exfoliation, cleansing, and moisturizing. With the right tools and know-how, you can give yourself regular facials at home without going to a spa for an expensive skin care treatment. If you want to nourish and refresh your skin, here are a few reasons why you should start giving yourself at-home facials.

5 Benefits of At-Home Facials

1. Offers Convenience

While a trip to the spa may be a welcome indulgence every so often, it isn’t always convenient, especially if you’re a busy professional or an older individual experiencing mobility troubles. When you do your own facials, you’ll save time and effort by caring for your skin in the comfort of your own home. You can let the formula sit while you get ready for dinner or a night on the town with friends.

2. Prevents Acne

Many substances that contribute to acne flare-ups can be cleared with regular facials, allowing you to avoid the hassle of breakouts. By using a cleanser that’s optimized for your skin type, you’ll remove pore-clogging dirt and balance natural oils that cause pimples. To reap these benefits, do a quick facial at home a few days before a date or an event where your picture will be taken.

3. Improves Makeup Application

skin care treatmentsExfoliating with a facial scrub removes dead skin cells while moisturizing hydrates and smooths the fresh layers of the epidermis. When these results are achieved with regular facials, you’ll have an easier time applying makeup evenly for a natural effect.

4. Reduces Signs of Aging

During your facial at home, move your fingers in a circular motion over the skin. This action stimulates circulation to generate new skin cells and promote collagen production. When this skin care treatment is performed regularly at home, these benefits will help you maintain a more youthful glow and plump areas that are affected by fine lines or wrinkles.

5. Relieves Stress

At-home facials offer a chance for you to include quality self-care into your daily routine. Whether you enjoy massaging toner into your skin or using clay masks to reduce tension, the snippet of time you spend with yourself will help you feel more relaxed.


While routine facials will alleviate and prevent minor issues with your appearance, there are times when you may need more advanced support. If you’re experiencing acne, scarring, or sun damage, contact the professionals at Kailua Dermatology and Associates on Oahu, HI. Dr. Phillip Hellreich, MD, and his team will use advanced tools and techniques to review your dermatological health and create a skin care treatment plan that addresses your concerns. To schedule an appointment, reach out online or call (808) 261-6133.
