
Your well is responsible for providing a steady supply of potable water to your home. Though built from sturdy parts and materials, you might notice problems that cause service interruptions from time to time. Here are a handful of the most common well repair issues and what the professionals can do to correct them.

4 Common Well Repairs

1. Low Water Levels

When water levels in your well become too low, you’ll likely notice sputtering from your faucets due to the pump pulling in a combination of air and water. A well repair team will patch up any cracks in the well casing and restore water levels to normal. 

2. Inadequate Water Pressure 

If you turn on your faucets and well repairnotice a weak flow of water, something is wrong with the pressure. This issue may be the result of a faulty well pump or check valve, and it’s also possible that the pressure tank is leaking. Hire a professional contractor to adjust the pressure switch and repair or replace any broken components. 

3. Rapid Pump Cycling

If your well pump continuously cycles on and off, your home plumbing system could be leaking. Another common cause of rapid cycling is due to a failed check valve, which sends water back to the well and reactivates the pump. Hire a plumber to fix any leaks, and have a well repair team replace your check valve. 

4. Diminished Water Quality 

You might also observe the presence of bubbles in your water along with unpleasant odors. These are usually due to the introduction of undissolved gases to your well water via broken pipe fittings, which you should repair or replace as soon as possible.


Keep your well fully functional for household tasks with help from the team at Conyers Well Service. This contractor provides water well drilling, inspections, treatment, and maintenance to clients throughout the Dimmitt, TX, area. Call (806) 647-3215 to book an appointment for well repairs and request a quote. Visit them online to learn more about well pump installations and services. 
