
Sciatica can be a debilitating source of pain. Chronic flare-ups can impact mobility and make it difficult to work, play, and even relax. Luckily, sciatica treatment options are available. Making lifestyle changes and working with a chiropractor can help you manage side effects and prevent further injury.

Sciatica Treatment FAQ

What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerve runs down the lower back through the legs. When pressure is placed on it by a bulging or herniated disc, or tension from a muscle injury, it can generate pain and numbness throughout the lower extremities. Pain can range from mild and infrequent to severe and constant, which is why it’s important to seek sciatica treatment if you notice any symptoms.

Are the effects irreversible?

sciatica-treatment-north-pole-chiropracticSciatica can be difficult to fully eliminate on your own because your spine is always in motion. Muscles may loosen up and inflammation may recede, providing days or even weeks of relief. However, this doesn’t mean you’re cured. The pain often returns without chiropractic or medical care.  

How can a chiropractor help?

Sciatica is almost always related to spinal or muscle injuries, which is why a chiropractor is your best resource. They’ll create a custom recovery plan based on existing injuries and spinal misalignments. If a herniated disc is the cause of the leg and back pain, they’ll create a physical therapy regimen, and may even suggest surgery in more severe cases. They will also recommend at-home care, such as light stretches and exercises to reduce pain and strengthen the lower back.

How do I prevent re-injury?

The trouble with sciatica is that it’s easy to reinjure your spine and lower back. To prevent this, you’ll need to strengthen your core, per your chiropractor’s guidance. You’ll also need to stick with spinal safety practices, such as carefully lifting heavy items and stretching before activities. This will ensure you heal properly.


If you’re seeking sciatica treatment, the team at North Pole Chiropractic can help. Based in North Pole, AK, this chiropractic health practice can address a number of issues, including back and neck pain, sciatica, and pediatric needs. Dr. Jack Harrison D.C. creates a custom treatment plan for each patient and is committed to helping you achieve pain relief. Call (907) 488-1885 to schedule an appointment and visit their website to explore the practice further. For health tips and updates, connect on Facebook.
