
Many people experience lower back pain, which can put a damper on your life and stop you from doing the things you love. Fortunately, there are effective methods of addressing pain and stiffness in the lower back, and the first step is to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Why You May Be Experiencing Lower Back Pain

1. Herniated Discs

 A herniated disc occurs when the inner part of the disc protrudes through the outer ring, which leads to a variety of bothersome symptoms. You may experience pain that radiates to the arms and legs, numbness, muscle weakness, and a tingling sensation. For many people, painful sensations are exacerbated after sitting or standing. Herniated discs often occur due to excess weight, after lifting a heavy object, or because of age.

2. Spinal Stenosis

Back PainThe area around your spine may become narrowed over time, which is known as spinal stenosis. Symptoms include weakness in the leg or foot, cramping after standing for an extended length of time, and numbness. Herniated discs can cause this condition, but it can also occur due to an injury of the spine, the thickening of ligaments, or because of bone spurs caused by osteoarthritis.

3. Spondylolisthesis

Much like the discs in your spine, your vertebrae can also slip out of place. This is spondylolisthesis, and as a result, the slipped bone can put pressure on the nerves of your spine, which causes pain throughout the lower back that feels similar to a muscle strain. This condition can result from genetic factors, or as a natural result of the aging process, which involves the discs becoming less springy and failing to properly support the bones in your spine.


The chiropractors at North Pole Chiropractic can help you determine the cause of your lower back pain. From there, they’ll offer a safe and effective treatment solution to reduce pain and increase mobility. Along with spinal adjustments, they also recommend therapeutic muscle stretching, corrective exercises, as well as massage therapy, which is also great for stress relief. Along with offering back treatments, this skilled team can also address neck pain. They even offer assistance to people experiencing issues as a result of a car accident or work injury. Schedule an appointment in North Pole, AK, by calling (907) 488-1885 today. To learn more about the complete listing of services, visit them online.
