
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 70% of American adults are estimated to be overweight or obese. Apart from poor nutrition and pre-existing health conditions, many of these weight issues may be linked to their work. Specifically, today’s high number of desk jobs may be preventing professionals from staying active. If you’re concerned about weight management, here are five ways to improve your overall sense of wellness.

A Guide to Weight Management If You Have a Desk Job  

1. Change Your Commute

If you don’t live too far away from the office, consider leaving the car behind a few times a week. By walking or biking instead, you can stretch out your muscles, burn calories, and feel revitalized and energized for the day ahead.

2. Reconsider Your Office Chair  

While it’s not always possible to get away from the desk, getting rid of your chair can help encourage physical activity. For example, sitting on an exercise ball can encourage better posture and keep your muscles engaged during tasks.

3. Take the Stairs

weight managementInstead of using the elevator, take the stairs whenever you can to promote cardiovascular activity and strengthen your leg muscles. Further increase your step count by parking at the spot furthest away from the office or printing paperwork to a distant corner of the workplace.

4. Get Moving on Your Lunch Break

Your midday break is a great opportunity to keep your body active. Take a few minutes to stretch, walk around the office complex, or go for a run.

5. Talk to a Professional

If changing your lifestyle at work doesn’t help you shed any pounds, it can help to talk to a weight loss professional. Through customized diet and fitness plans, these specialists can help identify potential reasons for the weight gain and develop a plan to help you burn fat at a faster rate.


When you want to lose weight fast in a healthy and reliable fashion, turn to the trusted team at Nebraska Weight Management. Providing comprehensive weight loss programs in Omaha and Lincoln, NE, this clinic helps clients regain confidence and boost their health. Whether introducing you to OPTIFAST® meal replacement plans or finessing your daily fitness routine, these caring professionals will help you reach—and maintain—your goals in a fun and empowering way. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their services. To request a consultation, call (402) 483-4770 to reach the Lincoln location or (402) 399-9386 for the Omaha team.

weight management
