
Shedding a few pounds can seem like an uphill battle at times, but it often comes down to choosing the right exercises. While everyone's bodies are different — from specific health conditions to the rate of an individual's metabolism — certain exercises will assist with weight loss plans more effectively than others. If you're looking for something new to shake up your workout routine, try some of the exercises below. 

Exercises That Promote Weight Loss

1. Running 

Sometimes, starting out simple and conventional is the best method. Running is one of the top ways to lose weight as long as you stick with it. Getting started can be tough, especially for those who haven't been runners in the past, but the cardiovascular benefits combine nicely with any weight loss plan. 

2. Elliptical Trainer

Those who can't run or don’t enjoy it should try out an elliptical trainer for an easy-to-use alternative. The mix of cardio and resistance training creates an intense workout, but the low-impact nature of the machine makes it easier on the knees and other parts of the body than traditional running. 

3. Jump Rope

weight loss planJumping rope is an exercise perfectly tuned for weight loss. Once you master the form and timing, this total-body toning method will constantly provide you with new challenges. For starters, try one full minute of jumping and take it from there. Once you nail this challenge, extend it to multiple sets and keep the rhythm going! 

4. Lunges

Lunges are intense, even if you stick to the standard forward lunge. This exercise works your hamstrings, glutes, and quads all at once, making it an effective part of your weight loss plan. If they aren't tough enough for you, go for a high-intensity version like the explosive lunge. 

5. Burpees

Burpees are among the most effective high-level workouts. These exercises involve lowering into a squat, moving down to a plank position, lifting yourself back up and jumping up with your hands in the air. Then you do it all over again. Your legs, chest, and core will thank you eventually.


Figuring out the best weight loss plan is all about experimentation. Try some of these exercises, pair them with a sensible diet plan, and prepare for a full-body transformation. The team at Nebraska Weight Management Institute will help you through the process. They use safe and scientifically proven methods, such as OPTIFAST®, to help Lincoln and Omaha patients with weight loss. The staff has over 20 years of experience and always focuses on the individual as a whole. Discover the difference they can make today with a call to the Lincoln clinic at (402) 483-4770 or the Omaha office at (402) 399-9386. Visit their website for details about their products and services.
