
Tooth decay isn’t just a problem for children and those with serious soda habits. In fact, up to 90% of adults have experienced some type of cavity. While this problem is common, it’s still preventable. If you want to keep your teeth strong and impress your dentist at your next checkup, here are a few simple strategies to reduce your risk of cavities.

5 Strategies to Protect Your Smile Against Cavities

1. Keep a Strict Oral Hygiene Schedule

It’s recommended to brush for two minutes at least twice a day to help remove plaque—a sticky film that contains cavity-causing bacteria—as well as food debris. When brushing, be sure to cover every surface of each tooth, as well as your gumline. In addition to brushing, flossing at least once a day is essential to removing hazardous buildup found between each tooth. Rinsing with mouthwash can also help neutralize remaining bacteria.

2. Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Eating candy can increase cavity risk, but chewing on sugar-free gum is actually quite beneficial for teeth. Chewing gum helps promote saliva production, which in turn, helps rinse away oral bacteria and food debris that contribute to tooth decay.

3. Eat a Dental-Friendly Diet

dentistWhen possible, avoid your intake of sugars. When bacteria consume this substance for fuel, they produce acids that can wear away at enamel and contribute to cavity development. While sugar is bad for teeth, there are many foods that support oral health. For example, spinach, milk, cheese, apples, almonds, and yogurt are just a few of the many nutritious foods that contain tooth-strengthening nutrients. 

4. Drink Water

Dry mouth is the perfect environment for oral bacteria to thrive. To prevent bacteria from contributing to decay, it’s critical to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking water regularly may also keep you from consuming sugary or acidic beverages that wear away at teeth, such as soda, fruit juice, and alcohol. If you drink tap water, you’ll also consume fluoride—a mineral that strengthens enamel.

5. See Your Dentist Every 6 Months

While practicing the above tips can limit your cavity risk, you’ll still need to visit your dentist every six months for an in-depth oral exam and teeth cleaning. During this routine visit, your provider will remove plaque and tartar that at-home oral hygiene can’t effectively clean. Additionally, dentists can provide you with other treatments that help strengthen teeth against cavities, such as dental sealants and fluoride treatments.


If you’re due for an oral exam, Judy Walker, DDS, is a family dentist who offers comprehensive care to patients in the Greensboro, NC, area. For more than 25 years, Dr. Walker has provided a wealth of experience to comfortably and reliably address many common dental health issues, including cavities, tooth damage, gum disease, and cosmetic problems. Visit the clinic online to learn more about these state-of-the-art treatments, or call (336) 275-1472 to schedule an appointment.
