
When people think about the danger of smoking cigarettes, they usually think of increased risks of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. But it’s also important to know that this habit negatively impacts your oral health. If you’re looking for more motivation to quit smoking and keep your dentist happy, here are a few different ways that smoking jeopardizes your dental health.  

The Dangers Smoking Poses to Oral Health

Oral Cancer

Harmful chemicals and additives found cigarettes increase your risk of developing oral cancer, a disease estimated to claim more than 10,000 lives each year. In fact, smoking is one of the biggest risk factors linked to oral cancer. Characterized by red or white lesions, poorly-healing mouth sores, and oral pain, this cancer spreads quickly to different areas of the mouth, such as the palate, cheeks, tongue, gums, and throat. While oral cancer is treatable, it’s often hard to detect without help from a dentist.

Gum Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, those who smoke are twice as likely to develop gum disease as nonsmokers. This occurs because smoking inhibits your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight infections, including those that cause gum disease. Progressive in nature, gum disease eventually leads to a wide range of oral health problems from red, swollen, and bleeding gums to tooth loss.

Slow Healing

dentistBecause smoking suppresses your immune system, your body may heal at a slower rate than it should. For some, this slow healing makes it harder to recover from dental treatments, including tooth extraction, dental implants, and root canals. In some cases, poor immunity may prevent these treatments from being successful, putting your mouth in even greater danger of problems down the road.


While not as serious as the above issues, smoking is also known to cause severe discoloration of teeth. The nicotine and tar found in cigarettes causes enamel to rapidly develop a yellow tint. Even if you receive professional teeth whitening, keeping these stains at bay is difficult. For the most vibrant smile, the best thing to do is quit smoking altogether.



If you’re concerned about the ways that tobacco use has impacted your oral health, turn to Joy K. Lunan DDS. Providing preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services for more than two decades to patients in the Middlebury, CT area, Dr. Lunan understands how to identify and treat many issues related to smoking, including gum disease and discoloration. Whatever your needs, count on this dentist to provide gentle care that will help you smile again with confidence. To learn more about these treatment options, visit this clinic online. For appointments, call (203) 598-7920.
