
If you were to wash your hands and then saw blood, you would be concerned right? Yet, so many people think it’s ok that their gums bleed when they brush their teeth. Did you know this happens to nearly 50% of Americans over the age of 30? 

Swollen, sore or bleeding gums are all a sign that your gums are most likely infected with bacteria. This infection can spread to the structures that hold your teeth in place if it is negelected. In the early stages of this infection, known as periodontal disease, it only affects the gum tissues, but as it progresses the root surfaces and jaw bones become affected as well.

So what causes periodontal disease?

The bacteria in the plaque that is missed with poor brushing habits is the man culprit. In an effort to get rid of the bacteria, your immune system releases substances that inflame and damage the gums and supporting tissues. This leads to swollen and bleeding gums, loose teeth and even tooth loss.

This disease has been found to affect not only your oral health, but your overall health as well. Peridontal disease can now be linked to heart disease, stroke, premature births, diabetes and respiratory diseases. 

Luckily, this disease can be prevented by visiting Dr. Lunan every 6 months and practicing good oral hygiene at home. If you already have periodonatal disease you may need more frequent visits until things are under control.

Other factors that can play a role in periodontal disease are your genetic makeup, smoking and tobacco use, misaligned teeth or braces, bridges, stress, hormones, different medications, and poor nutrition.  If you have certain medical conditions you may be more susceptible as well. 

This is why it is so important to see Dr. Joy Lunan’s dental office. They will go over your medical and family history during your appointment in order to determine the best treatment for you. Call today to schedule an appointment.     203-598-7920 

