
If you’re unable to work because of a serious medical issue, the Social Security Disability program may provide crucial benefits and give you access to the health care you need. However, this program is reserved for Americans with an established work history, and not every disability qualifies for benefits. Because the eligibility criteria can be complex, you should consider speaking to a certified representative before applying.

Who Qualifies for Social Security Benefits

Qualifying Disabilities

social security disabilityTo qualify for Social Security Disability, you must suffer from a severe medical condition that interferes with your ability to work in any capacity. The program also doesn’t cover short-term disability, so your condition must be expected to last for 12 months or expected to result in death. If your medical condition is on the SSA’s List of Impairments, you may be automatically approved if you have sufficient work history. Otherwise, the administration will likely require proof that your disability, and the resulting symptoms, make it impossible to sustain work activity 8 hours per days 40 hours per week.

Sufficient Work History

The Social Security Disability system is an insurance paid for by payroll taxes, so you must have an established work history. Workers can earn up to four credits per year of work, and most people will need to have accumulated at least 40 to qualify. However, younger workers who haven’t had as much time to establish a work history may be eligible with much fewer work credits. An experienced consultant can help determine whether you have a sufficient work history to qualify.


Navigating the Social Security Disability process can be overwhelming and confusing, especially when you’re suffering from a serious medical condition. The certified representatives at Disability Claim Consultants have over 30 years of combined experience providing Omaha, NE, residents with the detailed guidance they need to get the benefits they deserve. Visit their website for answers to your disability questions, call (402) 422-1000 to speak with a representative today and follow their Facebook for more updates and tips.
