
Compared to the spray foam on the market today, older attic insulation lacks efficiency. If you can’t remember the last time your insulation was replaced, you might be experiencing some unpleasant and unnecessary consequences during the winter. Here are three red flags to look for that signal it’s time for an upgrade.

How to Tell When You Need Attic Insulation

1. Uneven Temperatures

During the winter, the warmest air in your home will rise to the very top floor, collecting in the attic. If the insulation is weak, the hot air will seep out. As a result, you might notice that some rooms—particularly those closest to or directly under the peak of the attic—will be colder than others. If you find yourself reaching for blankets and sweaters in some areas more than others, you might need to update the insulation.

2. Ice Dams

attic insulationWhen there’s not enough insulation in the attic, the rising heat will collect and warm your roof. Any snow or ice on top of the house will melt, sliding down the sloped surface and collecting in the gutters. These home features aren’t as warm, and the water will refreeze in gutter channels, creating ice dams and icicles.

Without adequate insulation, this frozen buildup can damage your roofing structure. Water will back up behind the dams and seep into the home, causing water damage to walls, ceilings, floors, and insulation.

3. Rising Energy Bills

As hot air seeps out of a poorly insulated attic, your home will start to feel colder. This will likely cause homeowners to increase the temperature on the thermostat, or the system might automatically raise the settings.

Over time, you might notice that the electricity bills are becoming more costly or that you’re spending more on heating oil than usual. Investing in upgraded attic insulation will help keep utility bills low, saving you money in the long run.


If your home could use some extra protection from the cold this winter, turn to Energy Shield Spray Foam in Eminence, KY. These professionals offer spray foam attic insulation at the highest possible resistance value to maximize home energy savings. They take pride in their competitive pricing and excellent customer service. Visit them online to learn more about their services, and call (502) 220-0231 to schedule an energy audit for your home.
