
Change your mindset when it comes to healthy eating. Don’t think of what you can’t have or do, but what you can!  You hold the power to everything you put inside your body.  Learning how to eat healthfully again is a one-day-at-a-time challenge, because for many of us the eating habits we have established stem from many years ago or even childhood.  Start by first examining how certain habits have lead you to gain weight over the years.  Once you have identified a problem, make a list of of possible solutions.  Begin practicing those solutions to develop a new way of eating all together. 

For Example:

Eating meals too quickly, causing mindless eating and overeating.

Possible Solutions:

  • Use a timer to take at least 20 minutes.
  • Put your fork down between each bite.
  • Take a small sip of water between each bite.
  • Choose foods that take time to eat, like peeling an orange. 

Overeating past the point of feeling comfortable and satisfied.

Possible Solutions:

  • Use a smaller plate.
  • Keep serving plates off of the table.
  • Drink a glass of water before your meal.
  • Divide all food on your plate in half. After eating half, assess your level of fullness.

Making small changes, add up to big results for losing weight and developing healthy eating habits. Start with 2-3 small goals like the examples above to make new healthy habits for a lifetime.

If you are interested in finding a support team to help you lose weight, turn to the experts at  Nebraska Weight Management Institute in Lincoln, NE or Omaha, NE. These health professionals will develop a personalized weight loss program intended to help you feel healthier. Visit them online for more information on their offerings. 
