
Neck and back pain is common among people who are working from home temporarily. If you’re not planning on telecommuting permanently, you may not necessarily want to invest in a comfortable chair or ergonomic keyboard. You might not even be in an actual office, instead working in the living or dining room. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to prevent neck and back pain regardless of the configuration of your makeshift workspace. 

3 Tips for Preventing Neck & Back Pain While Working From Home 

1. Sit at a Proper Desk 

It may be tempting to lounge on the couch when working from home, but doing so too often or for too long can cause pain and discomfort over time. Since sofa cushions aren’t designed to support the shoulders and back in an ergonomic way, working on the couch all day can strain your muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Instead, sit at a table or desk in a supportive chair that allows your knees to bend at 90 degrees with your feet planted firmly on the floor. 

2. Use a Hands-Free Headset 

back painIf your job requires you to make a lot of phone calls, use a hands-free headset during the workday. Holding your phone up to your ear or tilting your head and holding it between your ear and shoulder can affect your spine’s alignment.

Since a misaligned spine can contribute to a host of issues, from limited mobility to trouble sleeping, do what you can to prevent it. If you do end up hurting your spine, a chiropractor can restore its proper alignment. 

3. Compensate With the Right Products

If you don’t have a decent office chair, you may be able to create one using the right pillows and a footstool for a fraction of the price. If your chair doesn’t support your hips and lower back, for example, a lumbar support pillow will help. Likewise, if you’re so high up that your feet don’t touch the ground, use a footstool to provide an ergonomic position that doesn’t strain your lower body. 


If you’ve been experiencing neck or back pain since you started working from home, turn to North Pole Chiropractic for relief. Since 2001, this practice has provided comprehensive chiropractic care for patients across Interior Alaska. Their services include spinal adjustments, lifestyle advice, occupational rehabilitation, and massage therapy. To learn more about their highly qualified team, visit their website, or call (907) 488-1885 to make an appointment.
