
If you’ve been accused of a DUI, or OWI as it’s known in Wisconsin, scheduling consultations with a few attorneys may be one of the best ways you can safeguard your future. These meetings give the lawyer with whom you meet the chance to evaluate your case and provide opportunities to ask questions and decide whether you want to work with a particular law firm. The tips below will help you get the most out of your consultation.

How to Prepare for a Meeting With an OWI Attorney

1. Prepare a Detailed Timeline

It’s normal to forget details, backtrack, or skip ahead when telling your story, which can be confusing and time-consuming. Before your meeting, prepare a detailed timeline of the night of your arrest, including where you were before you were pulled over, the location of the arrest, and everything the officer said to you. The outcome of your OWI case may hinge on a seemingly minor detail, so make your timeline as thorough as possible.

2. Collect Your Documentation

OWIThe attorneys will likely want to see any documentation you received related to your case. In addition to the original citation, bring any letters you received regarding the incident and statements from anyone who witnessed the arrest.

3. Write Down a List of Questions

During a legal consultation, many clients forget to ask important questions, so write everything down before you arrive. You might inquire about how many similar cases the attorney has handled, what their fee structure is like, and what outcome you should expect for your case. You should also ask whether they’ve noticed any complications you should know about before deciding how to proceed with your case.


If you’re facing OWI charges anywhere in western Wisconsin, the attorneys at Osborne, Tripp & Schmidt will provide the aggressive representation you deserve. They pride themselves on giving friendly, personal attention to every client and taking the time to achieve the best possible results in even the most difficult situations. Visit their website for more on their extensive list of legal services or call (608) 269-2400 to schedule a consultation at their office in Sparta.
