
Walking your dog is an essential part of pet care. It gives them a chance to exercise, explore their environment, and stay mentally active. As you take your dog on walks, here are a few tips that will make the experience smoother for both of you and help you avoid being disruptive for others.


Use the right equipment.

A retractable leash is right for large areas where your furry friend can wander, like fields and trails. For walking near roads, use a fixed-length leash. A leather handle can protect your hand from rope burn.

Otherwise, choose a leash material that is strong enough for the pup and appropriate for weather conditions—nylon when it’s wet out, and chain for stronger breeds or if your dog tends to pull. Also, make sure they’re wearing a collar or harness that fits properly, isn’t worn out, and is strong enough to hold them securely.

dogDress your pup for the weather. Booties can protect their feet from getting burned on hot days and will keep them warm during cold temperatures. Finally, be sure to bring waste bags.

Train your dog.

A well-trained pup will walk patiently by your side on command, without pulling away or investigating distractions. You can train your pet to do this by rewarding good behavior with treats and affection and slowly working up to the standard of behavior you want to see.

You can also train your dog to keep up with you on a longer leash while enjoying and interacting with the environment. This will help make walks most enjoyable for your pet.


Follow the same route every time.

Your dog will get bored with the same routine every day. Try taking different routes on your walks, or go to new locations like unfamiliar hiking trails. The variety will help keep them stimulated and interested in the walk so that they’re less likely to act out due to boredom.

Skip walks.

A walk is part of your dog’s essential healthcare. They need this daily outlet to use up energy, get fresh air, and avoid frustration or depression that can lead to behavior issues.

Make sure your pet gets between half an hour and two hours of walking each day. Divide it up between multiple walks if needed.


If your dog needs obedience training to help walks go more smoothly, contact K-9 Communication in Milford, CT. The owner, Gus, is a Master Trainer with over 35 years of experience. He offers a no-cost temperament evaluation and a consultation to determine what your pet needs from the program. To get started, call (203) 874-7299 or send a message online. Follow the Facebook page, or leave a Google+ review.
