
As you age or spend time in loud environments, your hearing can diminish. It often happens so gradually that you may not notice at first. The best way to diagnose hearing loss is with a test. If your doctor has recommended one for you, here’s what to know.

A Guide to Hearing Tests

Why You Need One

You may need to check your hearing if you often have trouble understanding what others say or don't realize someone has spoken. Other signs of hearing loss include people commenting that you speak loudly or mention that the volume of the TV is too high when you’re in control. 

hearing testAge is a contributing factor, but hearing loss can occur over time even in young people due to frequent exposure to noise. For instance, people who ride loud motorcycles, work with noisy equipment, or listen to loud music through headphones are particularly susceptible. 

What to Expect

It takes about 30 minutes to complete a test, and the process is entirely painless. You’ll be asked to don headphones and listen to tones at high and low frequencies and high and low volumes.

The technician will ask what you hear and in which ear. You may also be asked to listen to speech played at a low volume and repeat what you hear.

Your ability to identify tones and speech correctly helps diagnose whether you’re experiencing hearing loss. It also determines how advanced it is and which ears are affected. The test may take place in either a quiet or a noisy room, since background noise affects people's ability to distinguish important sounds.


If you suspect you’re experiencing hearing loss, contact Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX, for a hearing test. They’ve served Kerr County for more than 15 years. They specialize in diagnosis and treatment and provide hearing aids, amplified telephones, and other accessories. Learn more about them on their website, or call (830) 895-5900 to schedule a hearing test.
