
Metal is a durable and eco-friendly roofing material. However, it’s susceptible to moisture problems from year-round exposure to the elements. While roofers will repair any damage that develops, preventive maintenance helps homeowners avoid widespread issues. Here's a brief guide on how to combat wear and tear and extend the system's longevity.

A Guide to Residential Metal Roofing Care

1. Schedule Annual Inspections

roofersLoose panels and flashing can expose nonsealed areas, such as the underlayment, to moisture. Moisture buildup could eventually lead to rust and corrosion. For that reason, schedule annual inspections so a roofing contractor can correct any loose joints and missing screws or bolts.  

2. Remove Debris

Over time, leaves and twigs gather inside gutter systems. Unfortunately, these items can build up and cause blockages that prevent moisture from draining. In such a scenario, precipitation pools and adds extra weight to the roofing eaves, causing them to bend and slope. Backed up rainwater can seep under the panels and around flashing, increasing the risk of water damage. Clean the gutters twice a year, in the spring and fall, to protect the roof.

3. Prioritize Repairs

It's virtually impossible to prevent all damage throughout the life span of a roof. Professionals address most issues through cost-effective repairs. However, minor problems can easily become serious without prompt service, which can require premature replacement. A loose connection, for example, could lead to costly water damage. Thus, call a roofer as soon as you identify a leak or other issue.


Keep your metal roofing in optimal condition with help from Ontario Exteriors in Rochester, NY. These fully-insured roofers have provided dependable services for over 20 years. They offer quick turnaround times for most types of repairs. Learn more about their experience with residential projects online, or request a virtual estimate by calling (585) 421-0880.
