
A cavity is a hole or opening in the surface of your tooth caused by bacteria and unhealthy habits. According to research, 92% of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have had cavities. To avoid the discomfort and more frequent dentist visits associated with cavities, use these preventative measures. 

How to Prevent Cavities

1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

dentistThe American Dental Association recommends brushing twice a day for at least two minutes to prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria. It’s particularly important to brush before bed; otherwise, bacteria will remain on your teeth overnight to damage enamel.

To remove food particles between your teeth and protect against gum disease, you should also floss at least once a day.

2. Opt for Tooth-Friendly Food & Drinks

Eat more cruciferous vegetables; they not only clean the teeth but also stimulate saliva production, which will wash away bacteria and plaque. 

Avoid sugary liquids that feed bacteria. Try unsweetened or less sweetened coffee or tea. When you do have sweet food or drinks, wash them down with water to rinse away the sugar. 

3. Assess Your Risk Level

Discuss your risk of getting cavities with your dentist to plan how often you’ll need professional cleanings. They may also recommend changes in your oral hygiene habits and diet.

For example, if you experience dry mouth, you’ll have less saliva to wash away oral bacteria. Your dentist may recommend drinking more water and chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production.


Prevent or treat cavities with regular visits to Family First Dentistry, serving Anchorage, AK, and the surrounding villages. For patients 3 and up, their experienced dental professionals offer a range of services, including cleanings, same-day dental crowns, emergency appointments, and cosmetic dentistry. They provide flexible appointments and financing plans to accommodate all patients. Call (907) 562-2820 to make an appointment with one of their reputable dentists. Learn more about their extensive range of services online.
