
Heartworm disease is common in pets. Dogs are more susceptible because they are often outdoors, where the mosquitoes that transmit the condition are more active. Luckily, veterinarians protect animals from this serious disease. Learn more about this topic in the guide below to keep your furry friend safe.

How Does Heartworm Disease Affect Dogs?

Infected mosquitoes transmit heartworm larvae to dogs via bites. Larvae mature into worms, developing inside the animal’s body. Growing up to a foot long, worms can reside in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels, eventually causing lung disease, heart failure, and other organ damage.

Symptoms of the condition include persistent coughing, weight loss, fatigue, and decreased appetite. The disease progresses over several years, and over time, the animal can develop labored breathing, pale gums, dark urine, and a swollen belly due to excess fluid in the abdomen. Left untreated, the disease can be fatal.

How Can You Protect Your Pet From Heartworm Disease?

veterinarian-new-yorkFortunately, this disease is highly preventable. Veterinarians prescribe preventive oral or topical medication during annual exams. 

Since the condition spreads through mosquitoes, further protect your pet by eliminating mosquito breeding grounds from your property. Remove outdoor containers that collect stagnant water and keep your home’s gutters clean so rainwater doesn’t pool.

Annual vet exams also ensure professionals identify the disease in its early stages. The further it progresses, the more life-threatening it becomes, so prompt treatment is more effective. Most treatment plans last a few months or longer. Veterinarians may prescribe multiple medications, cage rest, and intravenous fluids. When caught in the late stages, they may recommend surgical removal of heartworm blockages.


The veterinarians at Fairport Animal Hospital provide testing, prevention, and treatment for heartworm disease. Serving Monroe County, including the east side of Rochester, they treat all patients like members of the family and utilize state-of-the-art equipment to deliver the highest possible level of care. Call (585) 388-1070 to request an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
