
Hard water is mineral-rich untreated water that’s drawn directly from an aquifer. It’s common in homes with wells, and while pure, it can prove to be problematic. Many plumbers recommend using a water softener or filtration system, and below are several reasons why it’s a smart move for homeowners with hard water.

What Problems Can Hard Water Create?

1. Water Heater Damage

Tankless water heaters can collect mineral deposits and sediment when they store hard water in their tank. Limescale can form on the heater, cutting down on its efficiency, and buildup can reduce the tank’s capacity. Homeowners with hard water may notice their appliance isn’t warming water as quickly and may ultimately end up replacing it before it reaches its anticipated 8- to 10-year lifespan.

2. Itchy Skin

Hard water contains minerals like magnesium and calcium that can settle in your pores after a shower and cause your skin to dry out. It may also prevent body wash and soap from fully dissolving and washing away. This can result in dry, itchy skin that cracks and is uncomfortable.

Water softeners and filters collect these minerals as the hard water flows into your home. This results in a much cleaner water supply.

3. Poor Cleaning

water-softener-lakevilleThe minerals will cling to dishes, clothes, and anything else that’s washed with hard water. This can leave behind streaks and cloudy spots. It will also keep detergents from fully cleaning clothes and may cause clothing to look faded. Water softeners are installed near the main water line coming into your home. They use ion exchanges to capture metals and minerals, and you only need to replace the filter to keep them working efficiently.

4. Slow Drains & Toilets

Mineral deposits from hard water will collect inside piping, drain grates, and other fixtures and eventually create blockages. You may first notice  slow drainage, and eventually, water may begin to stand in sinks and showers. Passages will narrow deeper into your system, and eventually, complete blockages can form. Pressure may build up behind the blockages, which will cause the pipes to burst and cause significant water damage in your home.


If you’re interested in adding a water softener to your home, work with the pros at Drain Pro Plumbing, Inc. These plumbers have a combined 50 years of experience and provide a wide scope of services to Lakeville, MN, residents. They’re available 24/7 for plumbing emergencies, and also handle drain cleanings and plumbing installations. Call (952) 469-6999 to schedule an inspection, and explore their complete scope of work on their website.
