
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, but Christians often credit their faith for carrying them through the most challenging times. Whether you’ve experienced financial turmoil from a job loss, health problems, or grief, these tips can help you find strength in your faith.

3 Ways to Find Comfort In Your Faith

1. Share It With Others

If you attend a church, you have a built-in support system with your Bible study group, Sunday school class, church leadership team, or congregation. Your church’s community is there to offer support no matter what situation you’re experiencing. Let them know what your needs are, and ask about their own. Helping others in need can help you find your own strength in trying times.

2. Pray

christians-hawaiiRecent studies have supported what Christians have always known: prayer offers many benefits. Prayer makes people who feel powerless feel like they’re doing something that might help their situation. Sharing both your problems and praise with God can help you feel hopeful in a helpless situation. Prayer can also help those with faith focus on others, allowing them a temporary reprieve from their own difficulties.

3.  Focus On the Positive

It’s not always easy, but look for the silver lining in every cloud. Remind yourself that even though the storms can be rough, the sun is always there, even if you can’t see it. Christians should find comfort knowing this analogy applies to their relationship with God too. By making prayer and worship a part of every day, you will find it easier to see the good in every situation.


Christians searching for a new church home or those interested in learning more about the faith will find a welcoming community at City of Refuge Christian Church in Waipahu, HI. This non-denominational church was founded more than 30 years ago and serves a diverse congregation, which includes many military families. Call (808) 677-5677 to learn more about their ministries, or visit their YouTube channel to watch services online.
