
A truck driver’s job isn’t easy. It involves long shifts during which drivers must stay highly focused. The ongoing stress can lead to burnout, which increases the risk of accidents. If you’re a commercial driver, filing a worker’s compensation claim may help you secure benefits if you’re involved in an incident. However, it’s best to take precautions to avoid fatigue to ensure you’re covered. The guide below provides an overview of what you need to know to keep yourself and those around you safe on the road.

What Causes Truck Driver Burnout?

Since truckers are paid by the mile, some push themselves to travel greater distances to maximize their income. Trucking companies may also pressure drivers to work longer to meet delivery deadlines. In addition to causing unnecessary stress, this can increase fatigue, making a driver more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel.

Missouri worker's compensationThere are some common indications you may be feeling burned out, including lack of motivation, feelings of dread about driving, and loss of enthusiasm for the job. Using alcohol or drugs as coping mechanisms may also be signs of burnout. Drugs and alcohol increase the risk of sleep-related accidents. If you’re involved in a collision while under the influence of these substances, your worker’s compensation claim will be denied.

How Can Truck Drivers Stay Safe?

Get at least eight hours of sleep for two or three nights in a row before a long haul. Take it easy the day before you leave, avoiding strenuous exercise that may cause fatigue.

Wearing comfortable, breathable clothing helps you stay focused while driving. Wear thermal layers when driving in cold climates, as driving with the heater on high can make you drowsy. 

If you do start to feel sleepy, pull over to a rest stop and nap in the sleeper cabin. While this may delay the trip, it helps you and other drivers stay safe.


If you’re involved in a trucking accident despite your best efforts, get in touch with Henry & Williams P.C. in West Plains, MO, to file a worker’s compensation claim. With more than 70 years of combined experience, the talented lawyers at this firm will help you get the benefits you’re entitled to. Visit their website to learn more about their work, or call (417) 256-8133 to schedule a consultation.
