
Your core consists of several muscle groups associated with the abdomen, hips, and back. When you build a strong core, you’ll have a more stable center of gravity that promotes functional movement, prevents back pain, and makes exercise easier. Below are some stretches and workouts to do at the gym that will help you develop core strength.

4 Ways to Build Core Muscles

1. V-Sits

V-sits work multiple core regions simultaneously, including the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and hip flexors, which promote balance. Get into a supine position on a mat, and lift your legs and torso off the ground to form a V shape. Hold for a few seconds before lowering and repeating.

2. Planks 

gymGet into a plank by lying on a mat with your forearms on the floor, elbows aligned with your shoulders, and arms parallel to your body. Keeping your arms directly beneath your shoulders, ground your toes into the mat and lift yourself as if you were doing a pushup. Engage your abs, and hold the position for at least 10 seconds. Planks strengthen the erector spinae, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis muscles, and will improve your posture. 

3. Supermans

Lie on a mat and stretch your arms above your head, as though you’re flying through the air. Raise your left leg and right arm about three to five inches and hold for a few seconds before repeating with your left leg and right arm. Superman exercises strengthen the lower back and obliques. 

4. Dragon Flags 

On a gym bench, lie on your back and grip either side of the bench to keep your arms stationary. Pull your legs into your body while contracting your torso. Lower your legs without letting them touch the bench and repeat as many times as you can comfortably hold the position. Dragon flags work all of the core stabilizer muscles and produce quick results. 


Start building your core muscles with strength training at Pro-Fit. This gym and fitness center offers personal training and custom workout plans to clients throughout Lithonia, GA. Call (770) 856-9796 to ask about upcoming CrossFit®, bodybuilding, Pilates, or yoga classes, and visit the website to sign up for group fitness training. 
