
Veterinarians can attest that pugs, bulldogs, Shar-Peis, and other dogs with skin folds have special needs when it comes to their daily care. Because of the way their wrinkles trap debris, they’re more prone to skin irritation and infection. Thankfully, you can ensure your furry friend maintains healthy skin and a vibrant coat by following a few simple tips. 

3 Tips on Caring for Dogs With Wrinkles 

1. Wipe Down Their Coats Daily 

In addition to bathing your dog as needed, wipe the skin under every fold with a clean, dry towel daily. This will eliminate all loose hair, dirt, and crumbs that got trapped over the last 24 hours. Make sure to address facial folds, ear flaps, and tail folds. If your dog is especially dirty but it’s not the time for a trip to the groomer’s, use canine wipes that are specially formulated for cleaning wrinkly dogs. 

2. Keep Them Clean & Dry 

If moisture gets trapped under the wrinkles, it can irritate the skin until an open sore—and subsequent infection—develops. In addition to keeping your dogs out of lakes and pools unless you can dry them off right away, don’t let them play in the rain.

veterinarianYou should also monitor their drinking habits—some dogs tend to drool everywhere—and their sweat levels. If your pup does get wet, wipe down each skin fold thoroughly. Otherwise, the warm, moist flap will create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. 

3. Nourish Their Skin 

Unfortunately, moisture isn’t the only issue that pet parents have to worry about when it comes to wrinkly dogs. Veterinarians must often warn against drying out their skin too much, which can cause cracking, abrasions, and eventual infection.

Ask your vet about dietary supplements to contribute to healthy skin from within, like omega-3 fish oil capsules. If your pup is prone to dry skin, there may also be topical ointments you can apply when it gets severe. 


If your wrinkly dog develops skin or coat issues despite your best efforts to prevent them, turn to the friendly veterinarians at A-4 Animal Hospital. Located in Lincoln and serving families across central and eastern Nebraska, this full-service practice is equipped to care for dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, ducks, chickens, and small exotic animals. Founded in 1964, they’ve established a name for themselves within the community by providing unparalleled care. To make an appointment with a veterinarian on their team for your furry friend, call (402) 475-2282. To learn more about all the services they provide, visit their website
