
Text neck describes the stress and pain that occurs when people crane their neck down for an extended period of time to look at mobile devices such as tablets or phones. This condition becomes more common as the use of these devices rises. As a result, it’s important to know a little about this condition and recognize when it’s time to see an orthopedic doctor.

Why It’s a Problem

Learning the head forward to look at a screen puts a lot of pressure on the spine since the average head weighs around 10 or 11 pounds. The spine is designed to have the vertebrae stack up on top of each other to hold the body’s weight. When the wrong part of the neck is forced to bear that weight, it can cause changes in the spine’s curvature, as well as the supporting ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

The Signs & Symptoms

orthopedic doctorsRecognizing the early signs of text neck will help encourage you to see an orthopedic doctor before the habit causes permanent damage to your spine. In the early stages, the feeling of a stiff neck is common, and it will feel sore and difficult to move. There is typically pain in the lower part of the neck, which can be a dull ache or a stabbing pain in one location. This pain may radiate into the shoulders, back, and arms, and eventually move to the muscles at the base of the neck and shoulders, which can lead to tension headaches.

How to Prevent It

To prevent this condition, bring the screen up to your eyes rather than craning your neck to look down at it. When using a laptop or a tablet, prop it up so the center of the screen is at eye level. Take breaks from using the device by getting up to walk around every 30 minutes, and take a 15-minute break from looking down every couple of hours. This gives the spine a rest and prevents you from sitting in one position all day.


The orthopedic doctors at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester offer rehabilitation services for text neck. Their staff treat patients of all ages and accept most insurance plans at their private practice in Rochester, NY. Their board-certified orthopedic surgeons and state-of-the-art equipment ensure a professional diagnosis and effective care. Call (585) 723-3000 to schedule an appointment.
