
Septic tank issues often appear unexpectedly and can create costly problems. Understanding common issues will help you take the necessary steps to avoid septic repairs. Below are several reasons homeowners experience system issues and how you can prevent them.

What Are the Most Common Septic Tank Issues?

1. Flushing the Wrong Items

Flushing grease, paints, chemicals, non-soluble items, or absorbent bathroom products can lead to clogs, and once in your septic tank, can disrupt the bacteria that treat waste. It’s important that you only flush water and bodily waste down the drain and never use septic cleaning chemicals without professional approval.

2. Skipping Septic Inspections & Pumping

septic-repairs-peninsulaYou should schedule a general inspection every three years. Professionals will check the levels, look for signs of damage or cracks, and recommend septic repairs before serious problems develop. You should also stick to a pumping schedule. The average tank should be pumped every three to five years, so it doesn’t leak waste onto your property.

3. Planting Near the Septic Tank

Plant and tree roots will be drawn to your septic tank and will eventually try to break into the piping to reach moisture. It’s important that you place trees, shrubs, and other long-rooted plants no closer than 50 feet to your septic tank. You may want to consider moving existing trees that have matured and will become a problem.

4. Compromising the Drain Field

The drain field is where treated waste is ejected from your tank and returned to the water table. When you dig in this area or build or drive over it, you may compress the soil too much for treated waste to flow out. It will then be pushed back into your tank, and eventually, your home. Have a septic repair professional mark where your drain field is so you don’t unknowingly make mistakes.


Whether you need septic repairs or are overdue for an inspection, contact Downs Drain & Septic Service. Based in Peninsula, OH, this company has served clients for over 52 years. They handle all aspects of septic tank care, including septic tank cleaning, drain cleaning, and septic tank installation. Visit their website to explore their full scope of work or call (330) 929-5555 to schedule a septic inspection.
