
A septic tank is an effective way to deal with wastewater for homeowners who live off of the municipal grid. However, as the tank fills up, it will eventually require pumping and maintenance. Knowing when to have your tank pumped can prevent excess strain on the septic system and inconvenient backups. The guide below explains how to tell when you’re due for a septic inspection.

How Septic Tanks Work

After wastewater exits your home, it enters the septic tank, where solid waste separates from the liquid. The solid waste settles to the bottom, and the liquid effluent flows to the drain field, where it’s safely dispersed into the soil.

Naturally, this accumulation of solids will eventually need to be pumped out. In fact, if the solids are not gathering in the tank, your tank is likely malfunctioning, allowing solid waste to wash into the drain field and eventually causing clogs.

Inspection & Pumping Frequency

septic inspectionA septic inspection is usually recommended every three to five years as a rule of thumb. However, the frequency depends on your home’s water usage and tank size.

To stay on top of septic pumping, schedule regular septic inspections. By having a professional visit each year, not only will you get pumping when you need it, but you’ll also be able to detect small problems that develop.

If you pump too infrequently, your tank will overfill, potentially backing up and lowering the life span of your septic system. Pump too often, and the lack of flora may decimate the bacteria in the tank that break down waste, leading to inefficient waste processing. A regular septic inspection can help you determine the ideal timeline for pumping.


Get septic inspections, installation, and repairs from the experts at Downs Drain & Septic Service in Peninsula, OH. For over 50 years, they’ve served homeowners and businesses throughout Summit and Medina counties. From grease trap cleaning to septic pumping and sump pump repair, they’re skilled and professional. Schedule a septic inspection by calling (330) 929-5555, and learn more about their offerings online.
