
As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your animal companion has what they need for a happy and healthy life. That’s why regular veterinary care is essential. Having an annual pet exam will help them stay healthy for years to come.


Pets don’t express their pain or discomfort in the same way people do, so it can be difficult to spot when they’re sick or hurting. Some conditions may not even present visible symptoms.

In this case, a vet conducting a routine exam may detect subtle signs of illness and perform more thorough testing for a diagnosis. They can then advise on a treatment plan. The exam, therefore, reduces the duration of illnesses and the chances of developing more serious conditions.

Preventative care also reduces the financial strain of medical costs. Being able to treat illnesses early on results in a faster recovery. A vet can also identify any conditions your pet may be susceptible to, so you can take preventative measures. You’ll pay less for exams and routine treatment than you would for tackling critical illnesses in late stages. 


pet examDuring a pet exam, the vet will likely ask about your animal’s medical, behavioral, and genetic history, as well as whether you’ve noticed any health issues.

They’ll measure the animal’s temperature, pulse, respiration rate, and weight. They’ll look for any abnormalities in your pet’s eyes, ears, mouth, heart, and lungs. They will also feel for any swelling in the lymph nodes and throughout various points in the muscular system.

Depending on what your vet finds, they may have blood work done to check for parasites or diseases. Afterward, they’ll give you recommendations on subjects like vaccinations, nutritional plans, dental care, and pain management, if applicable.


Bring your pet to Mililani Town Center Pet Clinic for their annual exam. They’ve been in business for over 29 years, treating all pets like family. To schedule a pet exam in Mililani, HI, call (808) 625-6744, or visit them online for more information on their services.
