
A potbelly pig is an adorable, precious pet for the right household. As a smart, clean, hypoallergenic, and highly trainable animal, a pig provides years of companionship and fun. After welcoming this pet into your family, take it to an exotic animal veterinarian for a first checkup. During the appointment, the vet will inform you of effective care strategies, including what to feed your pet. Here are some diet tips to prepare you in the meantime.

How to Create a Healthy Diet for Your Potbelly Pig

1. Avoid Other Pet Foods

Potbelly pigs benefit from diets high in fiber and low in calories. While dog and cat foods are readily available at grocery stores and pet markets, these meals are too high in protein to be healthy for your pet. Some also contain pork byproducts, which you may not feel comfortable feeding to your pig. Instead, stick to feed formulated for pigs. If you need recommendations, talk to your exotic animal veterinarian.

2. Provide Fresh Vegetables

exotic animal veterinarianIn addition to formulated feed, roughly 25% of your pet’s diet should include fresh vegetables. Celery, cucumber, potatoes, and leafy greens give them the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Fresh fruits, like apples and grapes, are tasty treats you can use as incentives when training your pet. Because fruits are often high in sugar, only feed them to your pig in small amounts. Also be mindful of certain veggies; carrots are high in sugar, so they should be given sparingly. 

3. Measure Portions Carefully

Pigs are known for their voracious appetites, with some snorting and squealing when they want more food. Unfortunately, obesity can lead to joint pain and mobility issues.

To prevent unnecessary medication and weight-management diets in the future, stick to feeding your pig twice a day. Each day, they should receive half a cup of food per 25 pounds of body weight. Split the amount into two meals. Pigs are highly intelligent, so avoid giving into demands for more meals to train them well.



If you’re looking for a dedicated and friendly exotic animal veterinarian that cares for potbelly pigs, turn to Fairport Animal Hospital. Since opening in 1980, this animal clinic has cared for pets across Monroe County, NY, with an emphasis on pet owner education and preventive care. For more information about their staff and state-of-the-art facilities, visit them online. Call (585) 388-1070 to schedule an appointment.
