
Auto accident injuries and fatalities tend to spike around the holidays. Congestion is inevitable, whether it’s Christmas, Memorial Day, or Thanksgiving, because families must travel to the festivities. What’s more, drunk driving is common because not everyone plans ahead. July 4th is especially dangerous in regard to road travel since the fireworks shows keep so many families out late. Thankfully, you can reduce the risk of sustaining auto accident injuries on Independence Day by following a few simple tips. 

3 Road Safety Tips for July 4th 

1. Follow Local Traffic Laws

Following the rules of the road is the most effective way to avoid collisions. For example, you should yield to those who have the right of way, abide by the posted speed limit, and use your turn signals as needed. 

2. Plan Your Trip Strategically

auto accident injuryIf possible, avoid traveling when everyone else is. More traffic means more opportunities for collisions. If you want to attend a fireworks show, for example, pack a picnic and head over in the afternoon, instead of waiting until the evening. Most people will be making their way to the show after the sun has set, so congestion—and parking—will undoubtedly pose a problem. 

3. Avoid Driving While Impaired

If you plan on drinking, designate a driver before the festivities begin. Should all your friends plan on drinking, too, use a ride share service. If you’ll be celebrating at someone’s home, confirming the host has sleeping arrangements for everyone is also an option. 


If you sustained an auto accident injury despite exercising caution, contact Osborne, Tripp & Schmidt. Located in Sparta, WI, this licensed firm is proud to have the resources of a powerhouse practice, but they’re as friendly and approachable as a small, local office. Comprised of three attorneys, their team is equipped to assist with all kinds of legal issues, from bankruptcy to divorce. To discuss your auto accident injuries with a compassionate lawyer, call (608) 269-2400 or reach out on their website.
