
Professional pet grooming can make some canines anxious. Seeing strange equipment and unfamiliar faces might make your dog feel like it’s going to another scary veterinarian checkup. Read below for a few strategies to ease your dog’s fears about the groomer. 

How Can You Get Your Dog Ready for a Pet Grooming?

1. Give Them a Full-Body Massage

Nicholasville-Kentucky-pet-groomingBeing touched in sensitive areas can be nerve-racking for some canines. To help your pup feel okay with being handled by the dog groomer, practice handling these areas at home beforehand. To mimic the pet grooming experience, put your dog on a sturdy table. Gently massage the animal’s head, ears, legs, back, rear, feet, and areas between the toes. Reward your dog with a treat afterward to help them equate the experience with positive thoughts.

2. Run or Walk Before the Appointment

Before you leave for the pet grooming appointment, let your dog run around the yard. This will give them the chance to use the bathroom, reducing the risk of accidents once groomers start working. Running around will also wear your pup out, which will make them calmer.


To maintain your dog’s appearance and health, contact All Creatures Inn. In addition to grooming services, the Nicholasville, KY-based facility provides dog boarding to give animals in the Jessamine County area a relaxing, safe place to stay until their pet parents are back in town. Get more advice on how to prepare online and dial (859) 233-9000 for an affordable pet grooming appointment. See videos of the dog kennel on Facebook
