
Sports are a popular way for children and teenagers to learn teamwork and stay physically fit. However, sports injuries can occur due to a variety of reasons. While about 30 million kids and teens engage in sports each year, there are over 3.5 million injuries. Below are some ways to make sure your child stays safe while out on the court or field. 

How to Avoid Sports Injuries

1. Wear Protective Gear

If a sport requires your child to wear protective gear, it’s important that they wear it properly at all times. This can include mouthguards, helmets, knee pads, protective cups, and stable eyewear. Regularly check your child’s equipment to make sure it is not broken, torn, or stretched out before they go out on the field.

2. Don’t Play Through an Injury

sports injuriesMake sure to tell your child that they need to inform their coach if they get injured in practice or during a game. It is important for your child to recover and not play with a sports injury. This can cause even a minor strain or sprain to develop into a more serious issue. If your child trips on the field or sustains a head injury, make sure to have them looked at by a professional, as some issues won’t be apparent to the naked eye.

3. Schedule Rest Days 

Although sports are undoubtedly important to your child, they should occasionally give their body some time to rest. Consider choosing a day of the week when they don’t play their sport. Another option is to stop training for one particular sport for about a month each year. If your child is incredibly active, another option is to get them involved in multiple sports that use different skills and muscle groups. This allows them to maintain their fitness level while resting tired muscle areas. 

4. Instill the Rules

Make sure that your child knows all the rules of their sport. Many sports injuries come from players making an illegal move, like slide tackles in soccer or releasing the bat into the air in baseball. If your child is young, instill these rules early to prevent sports injuries to themselves or to their peers. 

If your child sustains a sports injury, the staff at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester can help them recover and get back on the field. Their physicians and orthopaedic surgeons specialize in sports medicine, joint care, and bone health. They’re the leading provider of sports medicine in the region surrounding Rochester, NY, and they make it a priority to address sports injuries the same day they happen. Call (585) 723­-3000 to schedule an appointment.
