
Cavities are a common dental health problem among people of all ages. If you have a developing cavity, you might feel sensitivity while consuming hot or cold food, see discoloration, and spot visible holes. Despite that, it’s not always easy to detect a cavity’s presence. Often, dentists discover tooth decay during routine examinations. When it’s minor, a filling is typically enough to resolve the problem, but one that causes significant pain and discomfort may necessitate more comprehensive treatment. The positive news is that there are steps you can take to prevent them altogether. Below, learn some tips on how to prevent a cavity from developing. 

How to Avoid Developing a Cavity

1. Practice Basic Oral Care

Make a habit of brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. Use toothpaste that contains fluoride to prevent cavity formation and even to slow the development of existing decay. Brush properly by visualizing your mouth as four quadrants. Spend at least 30 seconds on each section, taking care to brush the front and back of the teeth thoroughly in a gentle, circular motion. Flossing helps eradicate any lingering food particles that your toothbrush couldn’t remove.

2. Modify Your Daily Diet

dentist If you tend to eat sugary foods and beverages that are acidic, it can be helpful to revise your diet and eliminate those cavity-causing substances. Sugar itself isn’t responsible for the cavities, but it does attract the bacteria that break down tooth enamel and eventually cause the decay to develop. Acid behaves in much the same way by breaking down the enamel, leaving teeth eroded and at risk for bacterial infections. Limiting your intake can help, but if you do consume either sugar or acidic products, swish water around in your mouth or brush your teeth when you’re done.

3. Go to the Dentist

Ultimately, nothing can replace an actual visit to the dentist. Your provider uses specific tools, takes dental X-rays, and performs thorough examinations to assess the health and condition of your teeth and gums. Since cavities don’t always cause pain, you may have discomfort that’s simply lingering and growing worse with time. The sooner it’s treated, the less discomfort you’ll experience. Your provider can also assess your risk level for developing cavities so that you can take appropriate preventative measures.

Are you seeking a qualified dentist in Orange, CT? Visit the office of John D. Mainwaring, DDS. The doctor, along with his associates, Dr. Pamela Karkut, DDS, and Dr. Raman Gill, DDS, can provide a variety of services that promote the health of your teeth and gums, including general dentistry, Invisalign®, night guards, and root canals. Visit the website for information, or call (203) 799-6625 to schedule an appointment.
