
Allergies are nuisances no matter your age, but for seniors with weaker immune systems, they can be especially problematic. It’s important that your loved ones properly care for themselves at their assisted living home. The following preventive steps will help keep them healthy.

How Seniors Can Stay Comfortable During Allergy Season

1. Eating for Immunity

Seniors are often more sensitive to allergies because their immune systems are weakened. An effective way to boost immune health is through diet.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, helping curb excessive allergic responses. Citrus, like oranges and grapefruit, may combat respiratory reactions, and omega-3 fatty acids boost the immune system.  

2. Dressing Smart

assisted-living-north-bendStaying active and spending time outdoors is healthy for seniors. However, if they plan on venturing outside in the spring, make sure they know what to wear. Seniors should have sunglasses to keep pollen out of their eyes, as well as hats so it doesn’t collect in their hair. Clothes capture pollen, so have them send garments to the laundry facility as soon as they’re back indoors.

If they’re particularly allergic to pollen, make sure they check the daily pollen counts. On days when levels are extremely high, it might be best to stay indoors.

3. Safeguarding Their Bedroom

Pollen and other allergens can enter your loved one’s bedroom through open windows, settling in carpeting, bedding, and upholstery. Once there, they can trigger uncomfortable reactions, such as sneezing and coughing. Advise your loved one to keep their windows closed during allergy season.

4. Using Medications

Medication also helps with allergies. Some over-the-counter antihistamines are safe and don’t negatively interact with other drugs. Have the staff at the facility manage your loved one’s medications to help them safely avoid symptoms. 


If you’re exploring assisted living communities in North Bend, WA, contact Red Oak Residence. This stunning facility offers a variety of elderly care options tailored to each resident. Their assisted living facility has 24-hour staffing supervised by a nurse, and provides help with laundry, nutrition, and medication management. Call (425) 888-7108 to discuss your loved one’s needs, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
