
Scratching is a normal part of cats’ behavior. But if you’re a new cat owner, it can seem a little destructive. Unfortunately, this leads some people to the dangerous practice of declawing. Unlike nail trimming, declawing is not a part of healthy cat grooming. It is a major surgical procedure that amputates the tip of each toe bone to remove the toe bed. Furthermore, it can cause a variety of adverse, long-term effects. 

How Is Declawing Harmful to Cats?

Hinders Movement

Like dogs and other animals, cats are digitigrade mammals, meaning they walk on their toes. Humans, in contrast, are plantigrade, meaning they walk on the soles of their feet.

cat groomingBecause declawing cuts down a portion of the toe bones, it will alter the way they move. Although many can adapt to the new shape of their toes, it’s not the natural way they’re supposed to be walking or jumping.

Increases Aggression

Although the claws are gone, studies show that declawing can make a cat more aggressive in the long-run. Also, since they use their claws for self-defense, removing them makes your cat more likely to bite at something bothering them rather than swatting it with their paws. While they may be agitated during a nail trimming, bathing, and other cat grooming tasks, it’s only temporary, and they’ll soon go back to their usual demeanor. 

Causes Pain

While they may no longer be able to tear up your furniture, declawing your cat won’t necessarily save your couch or bed. Because declawing alters their toes, rough surfaces, like cat litter, can be too painful for them to walk on. Instead, they’ll prefer to do their business on softer textures like upholstery or clothing. 

How to Redirect Their Scratching

Instead of declawing, try employing both regular cat grooming and training. Trimming their nails about every two weeks will keep them from getting too sharp.

As for training, place a scratching post in their favorite spot, or if they’ve already started clawing at a specific piece of furniture, put the post near it. Try placing some catnip on the scratching post to attract them. Then, every time your cat uses it, tell them they did a good job and reward them with a treat or physical affection, like petting or lightly scratching them.


If trimming your cat’s nails on your own isn’t feasible or comfortable, visit Golden Heart Boarding & Grooming in North Pole, AK. This licensed dog and cat grooming facility is trusted throughout the Fairbanks area. You can book an appointment by calling (907) 488-6866, but for nail trimming, they welcome walk-ins. You can learn more about their pet services on their website
