
Having a chronic eye inflammation condition like blepharitis can be uncomfortable and unnerving, but it is an issue you can manage with the right information and treatment. Your eye doctor will give you supplies and education to keep your eyes comfortable and healthy. If you practice diligent personal care, you’ll be confident in your ability to manage your condition effectively. Below, learn more about this condition and how it is treated. 

What Is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is persistent eyelid inflammation caused by bacteria at the base of the eyelashes. Overactive oil glands get blocked, causing scaling and shedding along the eyelashes and eyelids. This eye condition is non-contagious and, by itself, does not cause any permanent vision damage.

What Are the Symptoms?

eye doctor People with blepharitis typically have red and watery eyes. The skin around the eye area can look greasy and swollen with flaking, crusted skin. The eye area may also feel itchy and irritated.

The eyelids will often stick closed, especially in the morning. Those with this eye condition often experience light sensitivity and may blink frequently. They may also experience irregular eyelash growth and loss. If you begin to notice any of these symptoms, request an eye exam with an eye doctor right away.

Blepharitis is most common among people with oily skin, dry eyes, and personal experience with dandruff. Some children experience early chronic eye granulation, but many cases develop in adulthood.

Those with this eye condition typically experience excessive tearing or extremely dry eyes, and chronic pink eye is common because of the bacteria. In extreme cases, scarring and cornea injury or infection may occur. Blepharitis can also change the shape and contour of the eyelids, so they may turn inward or outward, and the person may be unable to securely hold contacts in place. Frequent exams with your eye doctor will help identify serious conditions before they cause permanent damage.

How Can It Be Treated? 

The key to prevent and manage blepharitis is to thoroughly and frequently clean the eyelid margin. Wash your eyelids daily with baby shampoo or antibacterial shampoo, mixed with warm water. Then, rinse with cool water. Your eye doctor may also recommend medicated eye drops. Eye drops provide moisture and reduce redness and swelling. 

Antibiotic or steroid eyelash ointments can also be prescribed by your eye doctor. Place the ointment along the eyelid margin with a clean finger or cotton pad. Apply nightly for a week or two, then reduce the frequency as needed.

Get relief from itchiness and stinging with a warm compress. Soak a clean washcloth in warm water and press it gently over your eyes for five to ten minutes at least once a day. This helps keep your oil glands open, soothes itching, and loosens flaked skin.

Your hands should be kept away from your face and eyes, and you should use eye protection when swimming or using materials that may spray into your eyes.


If you have any eye-related questions, turn to Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY. Their team of eye doctors provides premium routine and emergency eye care, including exams, surgery, and therapeutic treatments for various eye conditions. The experienced doctors provide personalized education at each visit so that you feel confident and informed about your eye needs and solutions. View their services online or call (606) 324-2451 to schedule a consultation or exam.