
As a dog owner, you love having your four-legged family member around the house. Dogs are fun to play with, provide non-stop companionship, and provide a way to get out of the house and get some exercise. However, if you don’t take the necessary precautions, their paws can track dirt indoors, which results in more carpet cleaning than necessary. Here are a few tips for keeping your floors spotless.

How Dog Owners Can Keep Their Carpets Clean

1. Restrict Access to Dirty Areas

The easiest way to avoid stains is to keep the carpets from getting dirty in the first place, and that can be done by avoiding dirty paws all together. When taking your pup out for a walk, try to avoid muddy spots. Also, fence off dirty areas in your yard as well as garden beds, where soil is exposed.

2. Use Dog Shoes

There are several booties on the market designed for different breeds of dogs and activities. These shoes will keep the paws dirt-free and result in less carpet cleaning. It may be a strange sensation for your dog at first, but stay patient and use positive reinforcement to get them adjusted.

3. Trim Their Fur

Carpet CleaningDirt and mud can easily cling on to long fur. Keeping hair short means that these contaminants won’t be able to stick as easily, which means less dirt tracked on to your carpets. Whether you do it at home or have a professional groomer take care of it, regularly trimming their paw fur will reduce the need for constant carpet cleaning.

4. Wet Towelettes

Use wet towelettes to clean your dog’s paws after a walk. They’re gentle and the slight moisture makes them perfect for removing the accumulated dirt. Make sure to get wipes that are designated as pet-friendly. These towelettes don’t have any harmful chemicals or fragrances that are unsafe for your dog.

5. Paw Plungers

For occasions that require a deeper cleaning, consider purchasing a paw plunger. These cylindrical devices use silicone bristles to remove dirt and mud on your pet’s paws and legs.

You can also add shampoo and clean water for a more thorough cleaning. If your dog is comfortable with their feet being held, it’s a highly effective way to prevent stains.


For help keeping your floors clean, schedule carpet cleaning services with Polar Carpet Cleaning in Anchorage, AK. They offer full-service carpet cleaning solutions designed for stain and pet odor removal. They’ll provide professional carpet and rug cleaning services to keep your home in pristine condition no matter what kind of mess your dog makes. Schedule a free estimate by calling (907) 227-5953 or learn more online.