
There are certain aspects of daily life we don’t even think about until there’s a problem. If your air conditioner has been running smoothly, it’s easy to put it out of mind. But just because you haven’t had any trouble doesn’t mean it doesn’t need attention. Here’s how getting an annual check can save you money and time while bringing you peace of mind during the coming heatwaves.

The Importance of an Annual Air Conditioner Inspection

1. Avoid Breakdowns

Anyone who’s ever spent a summer day in Mississippi without air conditioning knows how miserable it can make you. Fighting off the muggy heat in the warm months is a lot easier with a properly functioning AC, and an unexpected breakdown in July can be considered a borderline emergency situation.

By having your system checked at least once a year, looming problems can be identified before they arise. Your refrigerant level could be low, the compressor pump may be on its last legs, or the evaporator coil could be damaged. A checklist of system components will let your contractor see any red flags that might strike in the middle of summer.

2. Extend Unit Life

air conditionerApart from getting a clearer picture of the condition of your AC’s parts and current function, regular maintenance will ensure your system is optimized. A technician will check for blockages, excessive dirt or debris in the unit, or components that need cleaning.

Being mindful lets you avoid larger problems that might shorten the useful life of your unit. This can save you both the trouble of being without air conditioning as well as that of replacing a system that might have had a few more good years in it.

3. Save Money

Staying ahead of problems with minor repairs means you’ll spare yourself bigger expenses down the road. When unforeseen issues come up with your air conditioner, you may wind up paying out of pocket for replacement parts, costly servicing and repairs, or a new system. Neglecting regular maintenance may even void your manufacturer’s warranty.

An annual checkup may also lower your monthly utility bills. By ensuring that every part is performing efficiently, the technician will optimize your unit so that it doesn’t have to work as hard to beat the unforgiving Southern heat and humidity. 


Ensure your air conditioning is in good condition with checkup services from Gary Duncan Service Company in Olive Branch, MS. For over 40 years, the highly skilled, Trane®-certified team has been helping DeSoto County residents with all their air conditioning and heating needs. Learn more about their AC services online or call 662-895-2023 today to schedule a tuneup today.