
Up to 70% of the population struggles with neck pain at some point in their life. From the hobbies you enjoy to your genetics, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to this discomfort. Thankfully, by understanding the cause, you have an opportunity to address the issue effectively. To help you achieve that goal, here's a look at three of the most common sources. 

Why Does Your Neck Hurt?

1. Muscle Strain From Digital Devices

While the digital age has brought the convenience of instant connection, these devices weren't designed with posture in mind. Working on computers and playing on phones and tablets results in individuals holding the same position for hours on end, which causes muscle strain. If you partake in these activities frequently, the pain is often recurrent and worsens over time. 

neck painTo reduce your risk, practice good posture at work, on your commute, and at home. There are even some apps that are designed to help you with this by reminding you to stretch at least once an hour. 

2. Injury

Many physical injuries have the power to cause pain for months and even years after the initial incident. A common example is whiplash, a type of strain caused by a forced back and forth movement of the neck, which can occur at speeds as low as 5 mph.

Sports-related wounds can also directly impact the muscles, ligaments, or joints of the neck. Since preventing these issues is usually difficult, treatments that promote healing and reduce pain are often the primary focus, such as acupuncture.

3. Underlying Disease

If you notice that the ache occurs alongside other issues, such as fatigue, or you've been diagnosed with a nerve or muscle-related disorder, the neck pain may be a symptom of a larger issue. Many conditions, like fibromyalgia, cause recurring pain throughout the body. In most of these cases, aching and tenderness can be reduced or even eliminated with the correct treatment. 

Struggling with frequent neck pain? The team at Avicenna Acupuncture & Lymphedema Clinic in Jefferson County, CO, offers a variety of alternative treatments for chronic aches. Taking a Chinese medicine approach, the doctors utilize acupuncture, cupping therapy, and custom-made herbal medicine as supplements, rather than replacements, for traditional medical care. These passionate professionals cater treatments to the unique needs of each patient. Learn more about their holistic services online. Book a free 15-minute consultation at (303) 803-0675.
