
Few people consider the damage that pests can do to their home’s carpeting. Small insects are drawn to carpet because the fibers provide them with a warm nesting area where they have a plentiful food source and can lay eggs. Professional carpet cleaning services can help you prevent the appearance of these common pests in your rugs, upholstery, and carpet.

Which Pests Can Damage My Carpet?

1. Fleas

carpet cleaningFamilies with pets aren’t the only inhabitants that can experience these small parasitic insects. Fleas can be carried indoors on shoes, clothing, and hair, and it doesn’t take much to develop an infestation. While fleas survive off the blood of hosts, they can hide and thrive inside carpet fibers. Larvae can survive for months, and carpet can become stained by flea dirt and dried blood left behind by adult fleas. Regular carpet cleanings are one way to eliminate their eggs. You might see them moving quickly or notice small, itchy bites on your body.

2. Carpet Beetles

These tiny insects have distinct oval-shaped, gray-, brown-, black- and cream-spotted bodies. While adults don’t eat carpet fibers, their larvae do. Young carpet beetles will eat almost anything, including wool rugs and clothing fibers. You should look for irregular holes in your carpet, cocoons underneath rugs, and adults crawling around windows.

3. Silverfish

Silverfish are long, sleek silver-bodied insects that generally hide in books, clothing, and carpet, where they nest and feed on fibers. You might see yellow stains at openings in the wall or floor or find black-pepper-sized feces in the corners. If you do, consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner to help rid yourself of these annoying insects.


If you want to prevent a pest infestation in your carpet in Anchorage, AK, Polar Carpet Cleaning can help through steam cleaning and carpet cleaning services. The full-service cleaning company specializes in creating a healthier environment for their customers by removing allergens, dirt, and other contaminants from your carpet. To request a free estimate, call (907) 227-5953 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
