
Nearly 5,000 people are killed in weather-related crashes; many of them occur during rainstorms. Driving in the rain can be risky for both new and experienced drivers alike; however, there are ways to prepare for traveling in harsh weather. These tips will help you prevent auto collisions and take control of driving in the rain and on wet roads. 

How to Prevent an Auto Collision in Rainy Conditions

1. Maintain Your Equipment

Perform routine maintenance on your car before a rainstorm occurs. First, turn on your wipers to make sure they run smoothly. Next, get out of your vehicle to ensure the headlights are in working order. Immediately replace lights that flicker or don’t turn on, and wipers that loosely jostle around or leave windshield streaks.

Finally, inspect the tread on your tires to prevent hydroplaning. A simple test to determine if a tire’s tread is low is the penny test. Place a penny in the tread, with Lincoln’s head downward in the folds. If the top of his head remains seen, replace your tire promptly.

2. Handle Hydroplaning

auto collisionsHydroplaning results when your car loses traction while still in motion, which commonly occurs with wet or icy roads. If your car hydroplanes, it’ll feel like it’s gliding and moving independently of your driving. To regain control, take your foot off the gas and don’t brake. Steer the car in the direction the front needs to face until you straighten out. 

To prevent hydroplaning while driving, avoid stretches of road that are submerged with water. However, if you inadvertently drive on them, reduce your speed without slamming the brakes. Also, don’t make any immediate turns or lane changes.

3. Turn Off Cruise Control

Cruise control does not automatically adjust the vehicle's speed according to the weather or road conditions. This feature will worsen your car’s handling if it hydroplanes by continuing to brake and accelerate the vehicle. Cruise control will prevent you from regaining a handle on your vehicle when, so switch it off during rainy weather or when on dangerous roads.

4. Turn on Your Lights

Whether it’s storming or lightly misting, headlights allow you to see in rainfall and for other drivers to see you. In many states, including Minnesota, drivers are legally required to turn on headlights during low visibility conditions like during a rainstorm. If one light burns out, don’t turn both off to avoid being seen by highway officers, you’ll reduce your visibility to other drivers as well. Always keep your headlights on during a rainfall of any sort.


Autoworks Collision Center in Rockford, MN, will repair your vehicle after an auto collision. This community-driven company has served residents since 1995, providing them with collision repair, auto detailing, and dent removals. Their certified auto body technicians will fix your car’s issues and get you back on the road. Visit their website or call (763) 477-6653 to schedule an appointment or get a free estimate.
