
When you get pulled over by a police officer, you probably dread the prospect of paying a traffic ticket. If you’ve been given multiple tickets, you may be wondering if you’re in danger of having your license revoked. When the situation is handled correctly, you may be able to retain your license and avoid the fines and hearings. Here’s more about how the system works and how a traffic ticket lawyer can help.

How Traffic Tickets Can Result in License Revocation

Every traffic ticket you receive is assigned a number of “points.” Each point counts against your license, and if you rack up enough within a certain period, your license will be suspended or revoked. In North Carolina, your license may be suspended for up to 12 months if you are given 12 points in three years. 

More extreme offenses will result in your license being revoked immediately—such as driving while intoxicated, participating in a race, or going more than 15 mph above the set speed limit (at a speed of more than 55 mph). Even if you don’t commit these more serious violations, your license can be revoked simply for forgetting to pay your fine or not showing up to the court hearing.

How to Fight Traffic Tickets & Avoid License Revocation

traffic ticket lawyerWith your busy schedule, you might assume it’s easier to pay the fine and move on. However, by doing this, you are essentially pleading guilty to the violation, ensuring those points stay on your license. Accepting a ticket may also cause your car insurance premiums to rise. That’s why it’s best to work with a traffic ticket lawyer who can use their skills to wipe your slate clean. 

By using their knowledge of traffic law, examining the evidence, and talking to the District Attorney, they might be able to have the ticket dismissed altogether, eliminating any fines, court hearings, and points. If this isn’t possible, they might be able to downgrade the charge to an Improper Equipment or Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC), which are violations that don’t carry license points or affect your insurance.


If you’re looking for a skilled traffic ticket lawyer, reach out to Bates Law Firm. Attorney Bates serves drivers throughout North Carolina’s Anson, Richmond, Stanly, and Union Counties, helping them remain behind the wheel without paying exorbitant fines. With experience in both civil and criminal practice areas, you can count on this skilled lawyer for sound advice over a range of legal issues. To learn more about this firm, visit their website, or call (704) 694-0195 to arrange a consultation.
