
Since the roof is designed to protect home interiors from the elements, the membrane can take a beating during seasonal storms. As treacherous weather can make the surface unstable, call a roof repair specialist for a close inspection. In lieu of walking on the roof, below are three ways to tell whether it’s damaged. 

3 Telltale Signs of Storm Damage to Your Roof 

1. Shingles Around the House

The force of high-speed winds and debris hitting the roof can peel back insulation, dislodge fasteners, and crack shingles and shakes. Look for material fragments, nails, and bolts along the side of the house or in the yard. With an asphalt roofing system, you might spot piles of granules—resembling clumps of dirt—around the house perimeter. 

2. Leaks Inside the House

New-Canaan-Connecticut-roof-repairIf shingles are deteriorated or missing, rainwater will seep through the open areas down to the substrate. Inside, check for areas in the plywood decking where water droplets form or sunlight shines through. Leaks could also cause stains in drywall, mildew, and mold growth inside the house.

3. Debris on the Roof

From the upper floors of the house, you might be able to look out of the windows to see the condition of the roof. See if you can spot debris on the surface. Twigs, tree branches, and other sharp objects could have punctured or cracked the shingles underneath. A roof repair specialist will remove the rubbish to assess the damage. 


To determine whether roof repairs are needed following seasonal storms in the Northeast, contact the crew at Prizio Roofing & Siding Co. in New Canaan, CT. With 50 years in business, the licensed and insured roofers and GAF-certified installers will provide a thorough inspection and return your investment to its pre-storm condition. They also provide siding work to improve home efficiency. For a free roof repair estimate in Fairfield County, call (203) 322-9009. See photos of the team’s work on the company website and Facebook page. 
