
If your child complains of tooth pain, it could be the result of an internal infection. To preserve your child’s smile, their pediatric dentist may recommend a root canal treatment. Though it sounds intimidating, it’s a straightforward procedure. Learn more about it with these frequently asked questions.

What You Should Know About Root Canal Therapy

What is a root canal?

A pulpotomy, more commonly known as a root canal, involves removing infected tissue from the center of the tooth, then disinfecting and filling it. The dentist will apply anesthetic to the affected area, so the procedure is painless.

How do I know if my child needs a root canal?

A root canal is needed when decay or infection enters the pulp of a tooth. This creates an internal abscess that can spread into the jaw, sinuses, and even the bloodstream if left untreated.

The most common visible symptom is an abscess, or pimple-like bump, on the gums around a tooth. It may be accompanied by hot or cold sensitivity and toothache.

A pediatric dentist can diagnose infection in a tooth’s nerve with an X-ray. Schedule an exam immediately if you notice anything odd in your child’s mouth or they complain of pain.

Should the tooth be extracted instead?

pediatric dentistPrimary teeth are essential to maintain proper tongue, speech, and eating functions. They also direct permanent teeth into correct positioning and eruption patterns.

If a primary tooth is missing while an adjacent permanent one is forming, it may drift into the vacant space, causing alignment problems and the need for orthodontics later on.

How can my child avoid root canals in the future?

Fluoride, found in toothpaste and supplements, will help your child form structurally sound and cavity-resistant enamel. Sealants can also be placed on molars to protect their chewing surfaces from decay.

Keep up with regular checkups with a pediatric dentist to make it easier to catch cavities early.

At home, take steps to make dental care fun to encourage your child to protect their teeth.


If your child has a toothache and may need a root canal, bring them to Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI. Backed by over 50 years of experience, the pediatric dentists provide a comforting environment for every young patient to feel at ease during their treatment. Find answers to more FAQ online, or call (808) 593-8828 to make an appointment.
