
Early childhood tooth decay is a real threat when kids neglect at-home oral care and pediatric dentist visits. Fortunately, fluoride, a mineral found in every natural water source on earth, can help fight cavities. Find out more about fluoride and its benefits for your children with these four frequently asked questions. 

Common Fluoride Questions Answered

Why is fluoride important?

Fluoride guards against dental decay by helping the teeth generate stronger enamel. Enamel is mainly comprised of minerals, which fluoride helps restore after bacterial acid wears them down. Fluoride can even reverse early decay

Is fluoride safe for children? 

pediatric dentistYes. The American Dental Association considers fluoride not only safe for adults and children but also extremely helpful in defending against tooth decay. However, since receiving too much fluoride can lead to dental fluorosis, your child should only take the mineral as recommended by their pediatric dentist. 

Overexposure of fluoride in children younger than eight can lead to fluorosis, which is characterized by tooth discoloration. In severe cases, teeth might gain more noticeable stains or pits.

What fluoride treatments are available? 

Fluoride can be given topically or systemically. Topical treatments include toothpastes, specialized mouthwashes, and varnishes. Systemic fluorides are taken orally and can include drops or tablets. Both are safe and effective when used appropriately. 

How often should your child receive fluoride treatments? 

Pediatric dentists recommend children receive professional fluoride treatments twice a year. During these treatments, your child may be asked to swish a special mouthwash, or the fluoride varnish may be painted directly onto the teeth and cured in place. 


If your child is due for a dental appointment or fluoride treatment, bring them to Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI. For more than 53 years, these dedicated pediatric dentists have created comprehensive, customized dental plans for every patient, helping little ones live healthier, happier lives. Make an appointment by calling (808) 593-8828, or visit their website to find out more about their services. 
