
With time, all teeth change color. Fortunately, a good deal of this discoloration can be corrected with professional teeth whitening. But if you want to reduce how often you need teeth whitening, avoid these common culprits behind tooth stains.

5 Sources of Tooth Discoloration

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

If plaque, a colorless film of bacteria, isn’t removed from teeth, it will turn into a hard deposit known as tartar. If tartar is significant, it will turn your teeth yellow.

To prevent this problem, remove plaque regularly by brushing twice a day for two-minute periods and flossing daily. Also, visit your dentist every six months for thorough dental cleanings that will remove stubborn plaque and tartar.

2. Pigmented Foods

Foods that are dark enough to stain your clothing, such as tomato sauce, curry, or blueberries, contain pigments that can also discolor your tooth enamel.  While you can’t avoid these at all times, you can reduce the staining effect of pigmented foods by rinsing your mouth with water soon after eating.

3. Acidic Fruit

teeth whiteningLemons, oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits contain citric acid, which can weaken tooth enamel. When tooth enamel wears down, it becomes more susceptible to staining.

If you want to enjoy these foods, eat them with alkaline foods that can help neutralize the effect of citric acid. Some examples include yogurt, milk, tofu, leafy greens, beans, and quinoa.

4. Dark Beverages

Red wine, coffee, and tea are all examples of drinks that can discolor teeth in a two-part process. First, the acids in these beverages weaken enamel. Next, the tannins—natural, colored compounds—found in the drinks will bind to the teeth and darken them.

Minimize the staining effects of these drinks by consuming them with a straw or rinsing your mouth with water after consumption.

5. Smoking

Nicotine and many of the other harmful ingredients found in cigarettes are known to leave yellow and brown stains on teeth. If you smoke and want to save your smile from stains, talk to a doctor about safe and effective ways you can stop smoking, such as by wearing cessation patches.


If you’re concerned about dental stains, the Implant Center of Maui offers comprehensive solutions to keep your smile looking its best. With state-of-the-art teeth whitening solutions, this Kahului, HI, dental care provider will comfortably lift stains in a single appointment, producing impressive and long-lasting results. They also offer many other services to keep your teeth camera-ready, including routine dental cleanings, dental implants, and cosmetic prosthetics. Visit them online to learn more about these capabilities, or call (808) 877-3606 to schedule a convenient appointment.
